Gyeongsangbuk-do Research Campus


In Gyeongsangbuk-do, an agricultural region in the centre of South Korea, a new research and education campus will promote new crops and agricultural techniques in order to improve the self sufficiency in food production in South Korea. Set at the foot of a group of hills, the proposed site overlooks an area almost 1 mln m2 area of paddies, orchards and fields.

Flexible and open structures with a common architectural language define in-between spaces that promote informal contact, exchange of ideas and collaboration between management, research and education.


Client · Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Office
Function · Agricultural research and education center
Location · Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea
Date · 2021–2022
Status · project
M2 · 33.200
Design team · Xander Vermeulen Windsant, Ingmar Klappe, Rositsa Atanasova, Helinde Casteels
Type of commission · Open competition
Method of construction · Concrete frame, wooden facades

XVW architectuur · Architectural design


In our proposal the very diverse program is organized in two strips framing a communal park, sports ground parking and a botanical garden. The different parts of the program are organized in flexible, open structures with a common architectural language. The spaces in between the buildings promote informal contact, exchange of ideas and collaboration between management, research and education and between staff and visitors. Each strip has a spatial structure that is reminiscent of that of a rural village, without an explicit hierarchy between buildings. Their collective form is dominant, expressing the importance of collaboration and exchange between research, education and management.